Monday, November 30, 2009

Ob Doc

Well its been a long time since I last posted but that's because i've been busy... and away! The ob doc we just got the marks back for was fun to make, it has been good settling in with the new group although there have been a number of rumblings about last minute group changes etc. Anyway, after a palaver that involved endless talks with a bingo hall about filming an ob doc on them we eventually chose to shoot a late night radio station. The experience was fun, it was the first time i had got out of the local Bournemouth area and it gave me a reason to go home and see my parents as well as witnessing something that i hadn't seen before - a radio show being recorded live. Troshy, using his contacts had got us excellent access to the whole offices and meeting Iain Lee, who i reckon can be classed as a 'celebrity' due to his history in TV, was another great experience.

I was a bit disapointed however when we got our mark back of 58. At first i thought it was a good project and the low mark was because our marker had been change from Tristan to our new lecturer Nick Bamford. Now, as far as can tell they both hold different ideas as to what our ob doc required and after many heated debates during seminars with Nick I can see that his view is probably better. Although Tristan was our Tutor, Jonathan wrote the brief, and although Tristan was supposed to mark it, Nick did, and his marks corresponded with Jonathan's which i guess is all that is important. The feedback was valid and although it was a bit bit hard to swallow at first, we did accept it in the end.

Oh well, it was a good experience and you learn from your mistakes, Holland was good too, i might make a habbit of going away during reading weeks!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

2nd Year Begins!

Its good to be back!

After a summer that ended up feeling as long as it actually was i am back in btown and in my first house! I am living in an annex, believe it or not, which makes the 4 bedroom house we're living in a 6 bed and happens to bring down the rent compared to the prices on our street. I have found out that Ally only lives at the bottom end of Alma road which is only 5 minutes walk away, it will be good to have her near if anything goes awry.

The house is all settled after the 3 or so weeks we have had back, despite me not being there for 4 days for bestival which 2 of my other housemates were at too, and again for a week which i had spent back in london working for my mum to earn a bit of extra cash.

I am not living with any of my coursemates this year and am wondering how this will affect me socially during the year ahead. Unfortunately I have to think about living situations next year already as 4 of the 5 other people in my house are doing placement years next year so will not be living in bournemouth, meaning i will have to work myself into some BATV good books if i'm to live with anyone next year.

All this to think about and term hasn't even started yet! I'll just enjoy the sunshine for the time-being.